2013 Carlsbad 5000

Click here to view photos from the 2013 Carlsbad 5000

Dejen Gebremeskel, 2012 Olympic silver medalist for 5,000 meters, scored a three-peat, by winning his third consecutive Carlsbad 5000. Gebremeskel also became the fourth male competitor to win three Carlsbad victories in the race’s history.

Dejen Gebremeskel acknowledes the crowd before rounding the last corner of the 2013 Carlsbad 5000

Geleta Burka (F2) won the Women’s Elite race in 15:26, one second ahead of Mercy Cherono (F1):

Geleta Burka (F2) won the Women's Elite race in 15:26, one second ahead of Mercy Cherono (F1)

Even the bananas run fast at Carlsbad:

Even the bananas run fast at Carlsbad

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